Fittings and accessories for profiles

that will help you construct the desired supporting structure for your equipment...
  • Foot HO

    Foot HO
  • Cross joint HK

    Cross joint HK for H40 and H22 profiles...

    Cross joint HK
  • T joint type HT

    T joint type HT
  • T joint HT1

    T joint HT1
  • T joint H22T

    T joint H22T
  • External joint HA

    External joint HA for H40 profile...

    External joint HA
  • Internal joint HA1

    Internal joint HA1 used to joint two H40 profiles together...

    Internal joint HA1
  • Internal joint Н22А1

    Internal joint Н22А1 used to joint two H22 profiles together...

    Internal joint Н22А1
  • Corner joint A90H22

    Corner joint A90H22 allows you to joint two H22 profiles at 45 or 90 degree angle...

    Corner joint A90H22
  • Corner joint HV1

    Allows you to join two H40 profiles together at 90 degree angle...

    Corner joint HV1
  • Corner joint HV

    Allows you to join two H40 profiles together at 90 degree angle...

    Corner joint HV
  • Support bracket HC

    Support bracket HC
  • Joint HA80

    Used to join two W80 profiles together...

    Joint HA80
  • Joint CW80

    Used to joint two W80 profiles together, but unlike HA80, this one has additional cutouts providing you way of attaching this joint to C100 profile...

    Joint CW80
  • Joint HA100

    Used to joint to W100 profiles together...

    Joint HA100
  • Joint CW100

    Used to joint two W100 profiles together, but unlike HA100, this joint has additional cutouts allowing you to attached it to C100 profile...

    Joint CW100
  • Swivel joint H1-C

    Provides variable angle joint between two profiles...

    Swivel joint H1-C
  • Swivel joint foot HO-C

    Allows variable angle connection between the support foot itself and the profiles attached to it... 

    Swivel joint foot HO-C
  • Accessories



relevant to our products...
  • Catalogue Ellon

    Catalogue Ellon
    12.55 mb